We are body, mind and spirit all wrapped up into one. Each of us borrow the package during our time on earth. How we pamper or abuse our body and mind leads to how we are spiritually and how balanced we are. While we are spending time here, we can choose to enjoy our moments, having a magic carpet ride everyday. Only when we are healthy and it is then that we can constantly energized our body, mind and spirit.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Awesome Guy Blogger Award

In July, Kim has given my an award. Thanks so very much, Kim. You're awesome.

Just imagine a friend such as Kim...a friend whom I've yet to meet. Yet if felt that I've know Kim for years. It has only been just a few months.

There are 5 others whom I got to know on the blogosphere. Strange how things work in mysteriously ways. Friends miles apart in foreign lands whom we've yet to meet. Maybe one day. Soon or later. When time is right.

I'd recommend that if you'd not yet visited Kim's blog, do visit it. She has great postings there that she shared. Click on this LINK.

Awesome Guy Blogger Awards


Kim said...

Thank you for your very kind comments Franco....it has been such a pleasure to meet you :)
.....your friend Kim.....

Franco said...

Thanks Kim for being a wonderful friend. You're the best.