We are body, mind and spirit all wrapped up into one. Each of us borrow the package during our time on earth. How we pamper or abuse our body and mind leads to how we are spiritually and how balanced we are. While we are spending time here, we can choose to enjoy our moments, having a magic carpet ride everyday. Only when we are healthy and it is then that we can constantly energized our body, mind and spirit.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yoga Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose

1. Lie on your back.
2. Bend your knees so that the soles of your feet are flat on the floor.
3. Put your arms above your head on the floor and relax them.
4. Inhale, arching the pelvis up. Hold for several seconds.
5. Exhale as you slowly come down. Continue to inhale up and exhale down for one minute.
6. Relax on your back with your eye's closed for a few minutes.

Triple Warmer 15 TW 15

Shoulder and neck pain, arm and elbow painful and cannot be raised, stiff neck.

Gall Bladder 20
GB 20

Alternately hot and cold, eyes foggy, nervousness, painful shoulder, reumatism, stiff neck, upper parts of the body feel heavy or hot.

Gall Bladder 21
GB 21

The major point where shoulder tension collects. Traditionally used to release stiff neck, regulate hyperthyroidism, and relieve rheumatism.

Bladder 10
B 10

Head heavy, spasm of the neck muscles, limbs and body not coordinated, throat sore or swollen.

Small Intestine 10
SI 10

Muscular pain, numbness, swelling or arthritis in the shoulder-scapula region.

Benefits: fatigue, cold hands or feet, nervous exhaustion, irritability, shoulder pain or ache, excessive anger, hypertension, resistance to colds and flu.

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