The respond is everything.
We do have a choice;
We can't change the event but we can change our perception.
An event is always in the past tense. Do we want to live the past? It's gone. That event coming back will not be exactly the same. Just like water in a flowing river, that water will never ever be the same. Do we want to expand our energies in an event that has already gone past for good? An anger, an irritation, a frustration, a sadness, a guilt, a fear.
Making a choice is being in the "Presence". Being in "Now". Letting the Past go. Releasing it. Finding a closure. Forgiving. Our life's meant to be a joyful journey. We're all here to live. Forgiving and releasing what has just pasted is the beginning to be aware of our Being.
Being in the Presence. Being in Now.
Similar to being in a relationship. Many of us during the times when we're being with our parents, spouses, friends or children, we're in a state of drifted lost. We're not being aware of the joy of those connections. Our daily pressures and demand distant us from enjoying those connections. We tend to be lost in enjoying those relationships. We're lost in our own thoughts while being with them. We aren't being in an Aware state. We're not in the flow. We're being around our relationships for the sake of just being around. How often do we enjoy everyone single moment when we're being around them. It's not the amount time that we spent being with them. It's about the quality time, although it might be for just a few minutes. If each of those minutes is a joy to both parties, those moments were not lost.
Just like when we fall in love, each moment is a blissful romantic moment. We're in the flow; we're being in absolute awareness; we're being in absolute presence.
Think about this story...
A king was once asked by a man, "how can you be in a state of constant awareness. You've all the richness to corrupt you, to spoil you. You've the power to distract you".
The king replied, "why not. Let me show you. Now carry this hot pot of oil on your head and never spill a drop. Follow me for a stroll beyond the gates of my palace".
The king and the man walked past busy streets filled with aromas, sounds of music, whispers, snake charmers and beautiful women.
Having returning to the palace after the walk, the king asked the man, "now relate to me what you'd heard, the smell, things you've seen and felt ".
The man replied, "how could I've done any of those. I was concentrating on making sure the pot of oil was steadily balanced on my head".
The king replied, "there you go. You're in an absolute state of bliss. In total awareness and nothing else in important. You're in the Presence. The events around you didn't matter at all. You're totally absorb with the moments while the pot of oil was on your head".
Just like - each breathe that we take, it's a new breathe. We chose to enjoy that new breathe or treat it as just another breathe. "If it is to be, it is up to me".
Make that choice NOW.
hi Franco
I have tagged for you a little meme
at Laketrees :)
Dear're awesome. Thanks..thanks..a million. As I said in my email, you're a fine jewel I've found in cyberspace. :-)
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